Saturday, July 25, 2009

When suturing after removing impacted wisdom teeth is it normal to make 1 stitch connecting the cheek to gum?

It is difficult for my son to close his mouth, and he can't chew. Is this ok? Can he just wait until they dissolve? It appears he has no such stiches on the top, but both sides of the bottom seem to be stictched to his gum. The surgery was Wednesday and this is Saturday night. He continues to be very swollen. Thanks

When suturing after removing impacted wisdom teeth is it normal to make 1 stitch connecting the cheek to gum?
No. Call the Dentist. That's not right.
Reply:That doesn't sound quite right, so I suggest you speak to your dentist about it. Maybe there's a good reason for the stitching, like having to make repairs after the procedure. In any event, I would contact the dentist anyway, and let him know that your son is having an uncomfortable time, especially when trying to eat. The dentist may be able to explain things, and perhaps prescribe a pain killer. Good luck!
Reply:Duh! Phone the kid's dentist!
Reply:It's okay. I have the same thing in my mouth right now. I had my wisdom teeth removed on Monday and to this day I still can't chew. It's really hard for me to open my mouth up past a certain point because of the way the stitches are. The surgeon explained to my mom that he had to drill out the majority of the teeth because they were so impacted. So by doing this it caused more trauma and therefor the stitches which appear to be sown into my cheek as well. It does suck and it's more frustrating than anything because I'm craving real food and can't eat it. I still have a little bit of swelling but I did the ice packs the first 2 days and then heat therapy on the 3rd and 4th day so it has gone down. He should have a follow up appointment so that the surgeon can check his mouth and make sure that he is healing well. If he doesn't, request to have him see his surgeon. I hope your son has a speedy recovery.
Reply:Yes, this is usual post wisdom teeth extraction, it will really take a good two weeks to get back to normality. Just be patient and take pain relief, drink plenty of water and rinse mouth three times a day with salty water (heaped teaspoon salt in 300mls water) As an aside, i would advise anybody wanting impacted wisdom teeth extracted to consult a MaxilloFacial Surgean rather than your run of the mill Dentist.

These guys have modern tools and can remove the teeth without grinding bone around the teeth, which is what caused much of the bleeding, swelling and soreness post op. I had all four of my wisdom teeth (3 impacted) removed this way last week and had no swelling whatsoever, did'nt even need to take any pain relief either, or ice-packs either. Stayed on a soft diet for four days after but then back to solid food. The procedure can take over an hour and requires a general anesthetic, the "crude" way run of the mill dentists remove them takes ten minutes at the most, but you pay for that after in terms of soreness, swelling %26amp; jaw restriction.

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