Friday, July 31, 2009

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal - Infection?

I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago. 4 days later, the right side of my face / ear area started to ache. So my OS packed all 4 sockets proactively. 3days later, I had the packing removed and it was not repacked. It was good for a few days and then the pain in the right side reappeared. So my OS flushed out the right side and said it looked like it was healing well and was not dry socket. The ear pain went away after that, although there was still some throbbing going on and pain in the sockets / extraction sites. It has been a week since that and the pain has gone away relatively well.

I am wondering about infection on my left side. Both teeth on the left side were extremely hard to remove. I think that the swelling has gone up a little but it is hard to tell. If there is no pain, does that usually rule out infection? The left side is slightly more swollen than the right and my jaw has a hard bump there but no pain when I press.

Any thoughts? Please help!

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal - Infection?
Probably not infected. Remember, its a surgery. The tissue is probably still traumatized from the removal. If it is red, feels hot, and / or extremely painful, I would start to worry. Swelling, I would worry so much. Just keep an eye on it.


Yeah, i got food stuck in mine too. Its normal. Like I said, just keep an eye on it. Right now you should be good, just keep the food clear of the holes. It doesnt sound like an infection to me.
Reply:If you have no pain, I wouldn't worry about it. Give it time to heal.

If it gets better as time goes by, it will heal completely. If the pain gets worse, then go see your OS as soon as possible.

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