Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can I drink after getting impacted wisdom teeth out?

I got my wisdom teeth surgically removed last Friday and unfortuantly got dry sockets. I have dressings in my two bottom areas for now b/c of the dry sockets. I don't really feel pain and am not on pain killers anymore.

Since it has been a week and 2 days, is it safe to drink? I would call my oral surgeon but since it is Sunday, they are closed. Thanks!

Can I drink after getting impacted wisdom teeth out?
Don't use a straw, it creates suction.
Reply:As long as you are NOT taking pain medications you will be ok.
Reply:I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. As for what you can drink afterwards, it depends what you mean by "drink".

If you mean alcohol: then absolutely not. The pain killers you're taking mix very badly with alcohol and can cause liver damage.

Here is the list of things they gave me that are ok to drink:

Sport/protein shakes, fruit juices, and lots of water

Also, do not use a straw, and only lukewarm or cold drinks.


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