Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brushing my teeth after wisdom teeth extraction?

I got two bottom impacted wisdom teeth removed and they were stitched up. Today (3rd day), I finally resolved to brush my teeth as gently as possible. I think I might have accidentally scraped the surgical site and there's a little bit of blood but nothing gushing out. Now I am afraid that I might have messed up the clotting process and that I might gt dry socket. You think i'll be ok?

Brushing my teeth after wisdom teeth extraction?
Dry sockets suck! I had them in both my bottom ones, and I know what a pain in the butt they are. But you know, most people I know do end up getting them. It's very, very hard to not move that clot since our mouths are designed for sucking and moving. It's important to brush your teeth, (infections!) not to mention bad breath, but I would really take it easy on the surgical site. Good luck, and hope you end up without dry sockets. If your mouth starts to hurt worse within the next few days, do call your orthodontist and schedule a check up if you can. They can check the area for infection and do a slight rinse-out that can help.
Reply:I had that done, and yes, it should be fine. but it may be an idea to try and just brush the front teeth for a few days, and use a lot of mouth wash. Or get a softer tooth brush- you can get ones for babiest hat are really gentle on the teeth that shouldn't wrip any of the stitches!
Reply:Most likely the bleeding has stoped by now so just be careful for a few more days.

Rinse your mouth with peroxide. Not the kind used for bleaching hair but the medicinal peroxide.
Reply:Keeping the area clean is important. Light brushing shouldn't cause a problem. Don't drink thru a straw or spit, because this causes a negative suction.

my dog

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