I'm 19 years old and I'm getting all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth out on Tuesday and I'm really nervous. I've never gone through surgrey before and I feel like I'm going to panic. Does anyone have advice?
Scared about getting Wisdom Teeth out!?
When people ask for encouragement about getting their wisdom teeth out, I like to share this story about my three children.
I removed two of my older daughter's wisdom teeth at 2:00 in the afternoon and told her to go home and lie down until dinner time. Before I got home, she had already left for the mall! I was rather angry, because I figured that she'd be moaning all night long and asking me what to do for the pain. Much to my happy surprise, she seemed just fine. She said that she waited until the numbness started to go away and she felt pretty good, so she decided to get up and go.
Same thing with my son. We were actually headed home from a drum lesson and he asked if we could stop in the office to check out the sore place in his mouth. It turned out to be an erupting wisdom tooth. He asked if I felt like taking it out right then, so I did. (I was afraid he might change his mind if he thought about it overnight.) His mom didn't even know he had a wisdom tooth taken out until he had to take the gauze out of his mouth to eat dinner. His uppers were both kind of difficult and he had trouble healing with one of them (sinus involvement), but that didn't last for more than 3 or 4 days.
With my third child, I took her to the oral surgeon, because the roots were sort of close to the nerve and _I_ didn't want to be the one to cause her any trouble if things got difficult. She had nitrous oxide and little bit of iv sedation and had all four removed at once. I wanted to get her right home, but she asked me to stop off at the mall before we went home. She insisted that she was okay. Instead of going home and lying down, she walked through the mall. Yes, she was biting on her gauze packs (in the mall!), but still she was a lot more active than I would recommend. She had no trouble at all healing. I think she went out that night, too. (It was 1999, so I don't remember the details.)
I'm not saying that they are ALL like this, but there are wisdom teeth and then there are w*!`S^D@m TEETH!!! I always say that wisdom teeth (and root canals, by the way) are like teenagers. At least 90% are no trouble at all, but everybody talks about the bad ones.
Also, see http://www.webmd.com/hw/dental/tm6328.as...
Reply:I'm glad it went well. I hope I helped you get some sleep! NOW - take it easy and follow all of your directions and you'll be fine. Merry Christmas! Report It
Reply:atleast they put u too sleep. I did it, i woke up and it hurt a lil. But later on in the day it hurts like hell. but ull be fine
Reply:It is really not that bad because you will be out of it... I found the worse part of having them out was the taste in my mouth from the dried blood for about a week after ... good luck to you and don't panic...it is not to bad.
Reply:Well, the best thing for you to do is to not worry. I had mine taken out in January, and they did a very good job of keeping out of pain. I didn't feel them take any out, actually. the only thing you'll feel is numbness for the first few hours.
Eat soft foods afterwards, and keep it cleaned out, and you won't have to worry about anything bad.
Reply:It was HELL for me!
Sorry, but it's true.
The good thing is that not too many people have died from this proceedure.
Reply:Don't worry, you wont remeber a thing. They put you under. Just make sure you take your pain pills afterward, and watch what you eat. I slept for like 4 hours right after I got home.
Reply:You can now have it done while you sleep. my wife went to a dentist that gave her eneral anntisia
Reply:Just don't think about it. It's not so bad, especially if you have them put you under- Just make sure you have someone to drive you home and take care of you for a few days afterwards. Jello and spaghetti-O's will be your best friends for about a week or so after you get it done. Seriously, though, after I had mine out, I only needed to take the vicadin they gave me one time, and 2 of mine were impacted too.
Reply:don't get scared be brave i had lots of surgerys on my face my hands and everywhere and im only 13 i got burned when i was 4 years old ive been having surgerys sinse then
Reply:I had no problem with the removal of my four. I wasnt asleep either.
Reply:Make sure you don't do anything strenuous to get your heart rate up for a few days after the oral surgery or you can dislodge the clots where the teeth were. Then you get a painful condition called "dry socket" that I guess is just the worst thing ever.
Don't drink milk or milk products right after because milk can settle in the holes where the teeth were and goes sour and smells bad!
Use a Water Pic on the lowest setting to gently clean the area with salt water while everything is sore and you can't brush.
You'll want to have some jello and other soft things around to eat for the first couple of days.
Reply:just relax. i did it and afterwards i was happy i did. nothing to be afraid of. i was in my 30's when i got mine out. i was in my late 20's before mine came in. if i knew then what i know now i would have had them removed sooner. you will be ok.
Reply:I truly believe you are doing the right thing, getting them all out at once. I did, and have known others that have done the same.
I don't see the point in doing it two or more times.
You will heal up the same regardless, and it'll all be over with that way.
Yes, you may experience some swelling, and possible dry sockets, but the dental people are well experienced in dealing with these issues. You'll be fine. Been there done that. Just follow there instructions to the "T" you will be Okay. Time will resolve everything. They will put you to sleep, and when you wake it all will be over. You have my vote of confidence. In a couple weeks, it won't matter too much anymore and you will be on your way without those bad teeth damaging your beautiful smile any further. You'll be fine sweetheart. Email me in a couple weeks and let me know how you are doing.
Reply:my daughter had hers done when she was13. two on top two on bottom oral surgery is the ticket.she did not want to get knocked out. she chose novacaine. she was in a great deal of pain that night .the pain killers are not that strong. but after three or four days things turned for the better today and a lot of money later she has beautiful teeth. I'll never forget that the poor kids teeth grew in crooked and upside down one was into her sinuses.there is nothing to be scared about it's over in about 20-30 MINS after the novacaine takes effect good luck
Reply:it's not so bad, had the same thing. You can't feel any pain, but what they are doing is so extreme that there is some pain later but they give you pain killers. It's not so bad, really.
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